Why is this hard?
Love shouldn't hurt like this.
I want to end my suffering that I thought I was rid of.
Your own demons haunt you like ghosts, every day, every hour, every minute and I sit by and watch.
I watch as you say everything is okay and push me farther and farther away.
When in my heart I know you are in pain, physical and mental, deep down inside you.
Where you keep it hidden.
Where you had kept it, but now it emerges, vengeful, hateful.
You don't seem to care what you say.
I know I don't always say the right things and God knows I'm sorry I'm not who you need me to be.
We aren't getting along and I wish I knew why.
I love you with every breath I have in my body and every ounce of my soul is in you.
I am you and you are I.