I notice from all I write
It's all unanswered questions trying to find the right
U never seem to find the reasons why though
I end up making more poems to find something I don't know
Maybe one day I'll find what I'm looking for
Be all the ideas I come up with before
I start to let all my frustrations out
On a scrap piece of paper that I ripped out
Pieces and pieces put together
Am I finding any answers? Almost never
How can artists find all the right words
From whats going on in their life and know that for sure
Maybe I'm not trying as hard as they are
Is that why their all getting far?
From rhyming a few words in a song
When most of the time Ive been writing poems is that what I'm doing wrong?
I don't understand how other writes can do it
And I cant even find the right answers that fit
I just hate writing about the same thing over and over again
I want all the unanswered questions to come to an end