The Petition

by Janette Bradley   Oct 4, 2007

I sink to my knees.
Into your eyes, I see.
I beg you, please!
Do not forsake me!

I have done wrong.
Pain, I have caused,
But, to be abandoned, I do not long.
For, I am forever yours.

You gave unto me
Life, the precious gift.
My love is yours for free,
Accept me, and my disposition will lift.

Live, I know I have to,
With the done things I possess.
Pain, which is true,
I know I must suppress.

Now this, I solicit,
Unto you, I write.
You may not read it.
The bin, it may claim its right.

I write it, but why?
Because of the belief
That someone may read that which is mine,
And through it, comprehend me.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Kris

    It is VERY VERY GOOD!!
    I LIKE IT!

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