Rest In Peace

by Amy   May 4, 2004

Why did you leave me
here all alone
why did you go
leave me on my own

I miss you already
it really isn't fair
how could you do this
did u know how much I care?

I never got to tell you
how much you mean to me
maybe if you knew
the truth you'd see

I felt so helpless
once I got that call
all I could was cry
and think of it all

It didn't seem fair
You were so young
How could you take your life
And be so dumb

I don't know how to feel
I'm angry at you
you left me alone
after all we've been through

But I'm also upset
i don't know what to do
it hurts to bad
to know Ive lost you

When i was told
that morning you had died
i wouldn't believe it
and i just sat there and cried

I miss you so much
and i long to hear your voice
wake me from this nightmare
take back that choice

If you can hear me
i just wanna say
ill never forget you
and i think about u everyday

I hope that your happy
where ever you are
you'll remain in my heart
even though your so far

In Memory of B.D


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  • 20 years ago

    by Danielle

    another awesome one...i'm sorry if it's true

  • 20 years ago

    by paddy

    firstly i'm sorry you had to lose the one you love,
    i know how it feels to i lost the one i love many of my poems are about him,
    the pain never goes away but you get used to it i'm still not used to it it's only been 11 months for me,
    this poem was beautly written you're emotions behind every word,
    it's great that you write you're emotions down as it helps put things into order
    this was a great poem i gave you a 5 if u ever want to contact me my add is on my profile
    take care