I wanted it to work

by Cookie Monster   Oct 7, 2007

I wanted you and I
To become a we
Instead it went further...
It became to me not knowing you...
I see you every now and then...
And it brings me back...
Those memories I treasured so much...
After a while, those memories...
I just wanted to erase...
It brought to me...
Lust that we had...
So much tears...
So much scars...
Scars that every time I look at them...
I remember why I did them...
and I begin to cry...
I began those sweet sensations for alcohol...
Because of the pain...
That I just couldn't handle...
I couldn't handle it...
So I made many mistakes...
Some that are scars...
In my heart...
And on my arm


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  • 17 years ago

    by StandStill

    Love the ending. great poem

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