Sheltered by the thoughts,
that haunt my memories.
Running to hide from,
the fog beneath.
Which window leads the way,
to the safe and unknown?
I can't seem to find my way,
back from where I came from.
Safe -
is what I want to feel,
when I hug myself.
The feeling of peaceful,
that sets my heart at ease.
Safety, oh safety;
where have you gone to?
is what lurks behind me,
as I run from deaths grasp.
But, with safety beside me,
there's nothing I shall fear.
Though, when it's gone,
like today - I shall cry myself to sleep.
For, I want to go back
back where I came from,
that's my destiny.
I can feel it in my heart,
feel it in my soul.
Safety and Unknown -
that's what I feel inside.
For, safety's come out to play,
and the unknown left to hide.