My Pain Is Me

by Richard Machado   Oct 8, 2007

(My pain is me)

I can't show them,
No, no I can't,
They won't believe me,
They won't understand
The reason why I am so calm,
How I've come to deal

(With myself).

My eyes have twisted
Into seeing, only mystic
Things and beings, escaping reality,
Because it's easier to generalize
Than to ask myself

(About myself):

What bothers me?
So, I stare out at the world
And suffer all its evils,
Rather than the demons

(I possess)

That truly cause me pain.
I don't know exactly what
It is that truly pains me

(I've always covered up);

Things I didn't want to see,
Things I did not want to hear

(Like the fact that I mean nothing);

The only thing I fear

(I fear the inevitable,
I fear the, cannot change).

Maybe I fear my destiny

(It's making me deranged,
The thoughts that mean
I will be nothing),

Or just simply

(That there is no simple thing,
All there is, you must cope with
And all there is, is, hard,
Hard to struggle over)

Something hard to over-climb

(That thing is life,
Which has withered and worked me
To skin and bone;
Life, drains my life,
Until I'm nothing),

Something hard to see

(Coming at me with no rest,
Is the truth which lies in me:
The truth is that I will die
And leave no truth behind.
These false things will consist of
Poems, full of only mind),

Because I was too scared to

(Discover the emotions inside,
So I made up feelings
That I do not really feel,
So I could be far away--far away from real,
And, the truth which eats at me;
The gore which will come:
The truth is I've succumb and died, because I was too scared to)

Live outside my lie.


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  • 16 years ago

    by andhereIstand

    This is really great- I love how you put certain pieces in parenthases- it really makes the poem have more feeling. From what I've read, your a very creative poet- thats really cool. I take it you wouldn't be afraid to try new styles?

  • 17 years ago

    by Emilia

    Great poem..! Really.. I loved it very much

  • 17 years ago

    by 4eversum1

    Wow i love the way its written first of all. and second

    Discover the emotions inside,
    So I made up feelings
    That I do not really feel,
    So I could be far away--far away from real,
    And, the truth which eats at me;
    The gore which will come:
    The truth is I've succumb and died, because I was too scared to)

    i never thot i cud relate to sumthing more. perfect 5

  • 17 years ago

    by Independence Forever

    I thought it very good, i wrote a poem with pretty much the same format some time ago and i must say i'm pleased at the originality

    your servant:

  • 17 years ago

    by Idiosyncratic

    One of my favorite parts of the poem is the additional line after each stanzas. It really was a creative take to making the poem flow better. I've never seen it done quite so well.

    The entirety of the poem fits the format of the poem, with the pauses and somewhat jumbled lines adding to the struggle that seems to be happening throughout the poem. Very nicely written.