
by Stronger than words can describe   Oct 8, 2007

I thought i had a chance, a chance to be happy,

a chance to fall in love, a chance to let someone love me,

i guess i thought wrong because of the past,

the two months we were together jumped away from me so fast,

why do i think and I'm always wrong,

why do i try when its known I'm not emotionally strong,

what do i have to do to make myself happy?

what do i have to do for someone to trust me?

what do i say that makes them disbelief?

i was a mistake, thats what i truly believe,

some days i want to die,

some days i can't control myself and start to cry,

i think of all the wrong, because thats what everyone seems to see,

i can't do this anymore, my mind is leaving me.


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