My Heart

by Draven   Oct 9, 2007

At the alter
Waiting for you
Holding my heart
to give it to you
But you never showed up
You left me at the alter
with my heart in my hands
Holding onto something that never was


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  • 16 years ago

    by CanUKissAwayMyPain

    Wow! a simple poems but it does have a lot of meaning. so sad she left ur heart on ur hands. she never took so sad. can relate to this. truly a sad poem you have wroten here. the words were jujst great. the flow was right. i say an amazing job. 5/5

    TaKe CaRe,

  • 16 years ago

    by HuRtInG bEcAuSe Of YoU

    OMG, that is so sad but at the smae time you get the feeling in to the reader. Good work :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Its a love story

    This is very sad...any person who would leave someone at the alter should have the same thing done to is very wrong

  • 16 years ago

    by JeSsIcA

    Aww. this is so sad. :( i would NEVER leave u at the alter...

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