Comments : My Heart

  • 16 years ago

    by JeSsIcA

    Aww. this is so sad. :( i would NEVER leave u at the alter...

  • 16 years ago

    by Its a love story

    This is very sad...any person who would leave someone at the alter should have the same thing done to is very wrong

  • 16 years ago

    by HuRtInG bEcAuSe Of YoU

    OMG, that is so sad but at the smae time you get the feeling in to the reader. Good work :)

  • 16 years ago

    by CanUKissAwayMyPain

    Wow! a simple poems but it does have a lot of meaning. so sad she left ur heart on ur hands. she never took so sad. can relate to this. truly a sad poem you have wroten here. the words were jujst great. the flow was right. i say an amazing job. 5/5

    TaKe CaRe,