Just Like a Pill [Acrostic]

by HOLLYWOODxBANGBANG   Oct 10, 2007

Jealousy never was a thought to consume her, but
Under the circumstances, her cynical retorts
Seem to be right on the money. There`s a fine line
Threaded between right and wrong, and right now, it`s

Likely that you`re stumbling on them both. Her
Intoxicated breath doesn`t speak for many, but it
Kills a few; seeing her like this never was the
Easiest thing that you had to do. But you found

A weird sense of amusement in this whole act,

Playing her like a puppet, making her dance in
Isolation for days on end; too afraid to face a
Life that didn`t consist of you. You run through her veins, and just
Like a pill -- you`re headed straight for her heart.

-Jenna Elphick
October 9, 2007


Acrostic Poetry is where the first letter of each line spells a word, usually using the same words as in the title.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Bryan

    Love the pink song, and this poem is great, i love the ending sentences, love the style too, i just love this poem, lol, i give it a 5/5!!! keep them coming babe!!!