Comments : Maybe Someday

  • 17 years ago

    by Alexandraa

    I really like this poem . X

  • 16 years ago

    by mysterious

    Your poems are really good, they flow so well and truelly portray your feelings to the reader. very sad of luck :)

  • 16 years ago

    by isabel

    You didn't actually stated what poem you wanted to be commented, so i just picked this one...

    loved your first comparison... it was very well thought and original...

    Your whole poem has an extreme sadness I can completely relate to... Although it seems like love is never going to knock on our door, it is only a matter of time...

    I am pretty sure that you will fall in love sometime... Fate is something quite tricky...

    don't know if you noticed... but you wrote a sonnet... :) not the regular kind of sonnets... (rhyme scheme is a little bit different...)
    maybe you'll be known someday by the invention of a new sonnet ;)

    quite original structure, i must say...

    your poem is really well written... incredibly sad, though

    *keep up*

    (i noticed you only posted 3 poems yet... have you thought of posting a little more? ;) )