The mermaid

by KRYSTAL   Oct 12, 2007

She lay there,
hidden on the sandy shore,
but not unheard, in the glistening rock pool,
amongst the mossy rocks,
her scaly wet tail,
lay across, crystal waters,
reflecting the moonlight.
which seemed to glisten,
creating a rainbow covered glow,
disguising her scales, as shiny sequins
her golden locks,
flowing , into the sea of secrets.
as her angelic voice, seemed to echo.
gently whispering out to sea.
luring men
beckoning them to her call.
beautiful, starfish
covered with pearls.
attached upon her golden curls.
a tiara, made of shells.
and the dried up sea weed, upon her head.
draped down,
the lost treasures,
disguised well..
oyster like pearls,
were worn as earing's.
given as gifts,
by the creatures of the deep,
her bikini covered,
in many rainbow scales
shiny rock coral intertwined,
embedded on her bikini.


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