Part 1 The Call that Changed it All

by YourThe ReasonIDiedTonight   Oct 12, 2007

I thought I was invincible, why shouldnt I, I have me life in my hands and everything was going as I had planned. I have the love of my life and a career to look up too. I thought everything would be great until the day I got the call, the one that would send me to war.

I hung up the phone and looked in my wifes eyes. How am I going to tell her that I am leaving her behind. I look down at the ground trying to find a way out. "What wrong my love" she asks me in her caring voice "Why has your face turned white."

I could not answer her because the only thing I can think about is trying to hold in the tears that are pooling around my eyes. I must not cry I must be strong for her and the family.

But I just cant do it the idea of leaving them behind and going somewhere were I could die scares me. I let the river flow from my eyes and run down my broken face. I life up my head and grab her hand "my love I have been called in."

She just stands there, with me holding her hand. Her face is expressionless but her hands show the truth. She shaking all over she can hardly stand. I try to tell her how sorry i am but no words but these can come out "Im leaving tomorrow"

She throws my hand down in anger; she does not understand why this must happen now. I see her leg wobble as I grab for her and she falls into my arms. I hold her as tight as I can. Her hair smells like a red rose as it envelops my senses. I feel her crystallized tear fall onto my skin; she yells allowed make this all stop, make this pain go away.

The rest of the night is a struggle; we try to hide whats going on from the kids. It was hard to do, but we have no idea what else we can do.

Finally everyone else is asleep I have sometime just for me but its so quiet stand here by myself outside. It just my mind and me, I let it wander on the subject that is may be the last time my family may see me alive not be continued---Part 2 The Battlegrounds


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  • 17 years ago

    by Ashley

    Ummmmm but arent u a girl???

  • 17 years ago

    by Korrenn

    I don't really know what to say it is so amazing I swear I smelled red roses and I could taste the tears maybe my own who knows I was outside of myself.

  • 17 years ago

    by Cotton Candy Clouds put so much emtion into this brought tears to my eyes 5/5 without a doubt i loved it