Goodbye World

by Wasted Fake Smiles   Oct 12, 2007

It's started again. The pain has returned.
As the fire in my heart that once burned-
Is finally extinguished. Now I feel pain,
It's make me cry, making me insane.

Got lead on again. I always thought never again,
But here I am. All things must end.
I am numb now. Numb to the good,
All I feel is sadness, just like I should.

I've learned that I am meant to stay alone,
Live inside my head, live inside my home.
Stay where I belong, away from everyone,
Away from love. Away from you. Away from the sun.

Alone I shall live until the day I die.
Away from the pain. No more will I cry.
If I have no one, there will be no pain,
Though when I die, no one will know my name.

~*Who Cares?*~
yeah...i have realized it is my destiny to live alone for eternity...


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  • 16 years ago

    by xoxkatrinaxox

    No one is ment to be alone..
    even if it feels that way
    because u have been hurt..
    u arent ment to be alone.

  • 16 years ago

    by DreamingOutLoud

    Wow. short but powerful. love it

  • 16 years ago

    by linkhorizon

    This write had such a deep dreary atmosphere and of self being. i've been feeling this same way for quite some time and i can say that you've definitely conveyed the message that i've been too afraid to admit. brilliantly penned. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Amanda

    I Love this poem! i have felt like this for the longest time until i found the one... you will find him he's out there somewhere... and remember everything happens for a reason...

  • 17 years ago

    by Sarah

    It's a very nice poem...and with a lot of emotions,..
    But if I may say you're not alone... you cant know how many people out there who are willing to be apart of your life... don't give up just yet & give the world around you a second chance...