I feel myself drifting into this world,
World of desire,
Looking upon the stars,
Drifting to feel free,
World is looking at me,
My heart can’t take anymore,
Giving into earthly desire,
World that has my flesh,
Drifting in this tunnel,
Looking into the eyes of darkness,
My heart can’t take anymore,
Looking upon the heavens for relief,
Drifting myself back to where I came from,
My heart wants to give up,
Looking to heavens for help,
World that is calling my name,
Drifting myself away from the truth,
My heart wants to bleed today,
Looking to sky,
World is calling my name,
Drifting to do wrong,
My heart is praying,
Looking to die today,
World wants me back,
I feel myself drowning,
World of desire,
God help me today,
Satan has my name