I know its really hard to open up,
To talk to anyone.
Cant do this where you are right now,
In front of everyone
I know your feeling sad right now,
thinking you've let peoplr down,
thinking what you've lost,
how your not around.
I know it may be years lad,
before your back here, were you belong
lots of things will of changed
people do move on.
The ones who truly matter
the ones who truly care,
they will always be here
they wont go nowhere.
We think about you constant
your always in our thoughts,
You see my views are really different
my loyalties they are strong,
if you truly love someone,
with them you do belong.
No matter what the time is,
or years go passing by,
they should try to be there,
on there support ,to rely
they knew the path you'd taken
would one day have to end
good times arn't forever,
bad ones follow too
the test comes when your faced with it
your choice its up to you
i know your both connected,
i know the loves still there,
why break someones heart,
if for them you truly care!