If you feel that are inside th four-cornered wall,
feel like pris'ner and couldn't reach the goal.
Be creative as Daedalus and Iccharus been.
Fly away;fight for your goal, but still away from the sun.
During the battle, don't just bring your sword.
Don't ever think that you are fully armored.
For in the midst of war, You are Achilles.
You had also a heel of deadly weaknesses.
Never desire for Herculean strength.
To go on, ask another cup of patience.
It isn't enough to just bring your lance.
if inside your heart, you are lack of endurance.
If you left your love one's behind,
And went on through the fight.
As you come back. don't feel that you're defeated,
there's still someone waiting, as the dog Argos did.
You won, but don't be proud.
You're still in the midst of complete exhaustion;
it's not the end of confusion,
til you rest to the god of all creations.