The hunter and the Swordsman

by Yuna   Oct 14, 2007

I face him with intensity,
His glowing red, almost fiery eyes
Burning holes in my being,
Piercing through my barriers.
A chill instantly fills the air,
Causing my breath to turn to smoke.
I must not back down.
I must not retreat.
If I were to die this day,
I shall die with honor and bravery.
The silence is almost deafening.
One false move and it could all end.
I stand my ground.
My sword lying ready in my hand.
In almost an instant,
The sky turns to a violent black,
As it prepares itself for the vigorous bloodshed;
A war between the lord and the hero.
I take a breath of the dead air.
It fills my lungs satisfying every empty space.
I give one last glare at his ugly scarred face.
I can feel the strength pounding through my veins...
This is it...
With such speed I sprint toward my fate.
The lord tightens his grip on the bloodied weapon,
Which he raises over his head ready for the final strike.
I am strong, and I will not die today!
Just as the two swords made contact,
A blinding white light seared through the darkness.
A force of powerful energy swept through the battlefield.
Following this, a growing cloud of dust and debris
There was no telling how the final battle ended.
That is, until one lone figure rose from the wreckage.
The dust cleared, showing but a single face.
The face of the victor...
It had ended...
A scarred head drowned in blood staggered forward;
The Lord.
A hushed silence impacted the scene,
Evil had triumphed, over all that was good,
But all was not lost.
As the sky cleared from its black imprisonment,
The faint glint from the sword of the brave hero blinded all.
It stood overlooking its motionless master,
Waiting, and hoping for the moment,
When he would rise from his enchanted sleep
And grab its hilt for battle.
All was still now, but for the beating of the golden heart...
The heart of a hero.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Tsukuyomi

    This is really good, length doesn't make it bad at all! Great job Yuna.

  • 17 years ago

    by Nobodys Hero

    Looks like you spent a lot of time on this poem =]
    Nice job!

  • 17 years ago

    by Nic

    I love this poem so much
    keep writing more like this