Love has broken another heart,
Love has broken another world apart,
Love has broken another dream,
Love has made another heart to scream.
Love has brought another painful night,
Love has made another heart to fight,
Love has made another eye to cry,
Love has made another heart to die.
Love has made another heart to fear,
Love has made another heart to wonder,will she ever come near,
Love has brought into a heart another pain,
Love has again made sure,in that heart it remains.
Love has made sure,she remains in memory forever,
Love has made sure,she will not be with us together,
Love has shown another heart,the way to the grave,
Love has again made sure,there is no one to save.
Love has made another heart,to look up into the sky,
Love has made another heart to question,why,
Love has made another heart,to go away on it's way,
Love has made another heart,"U will forever live in my heart" to say.