Love Described Together

by miranda miller   Oct 15, 2007

Your solitude of golden thoughts
Best described with no words at all

Our fingertips touch
As eyes meet in total darkness

You are my music to feed my hungry heart
And I your poetry to polish your mind

Silk and velvet are cashmere's partners
A beautiful mixture of soft romance

Love marks our minds, footsteps on the moon
Broken hearts mended by sweet word band-aids

Child's love with endless kisses
Unjustified truth for the soul's healing

Parallel universes wrapped in unlike destinies
Dreams now involving you

Falling asleep in your arms
Sweet butterfly kisses and soft flushed cheeks

Diamonds and roses sprinkle the ground
Tonight I eliminate you and I and made us, we, together


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  • 17 years ago

    by mikaella

    Description is great and great choice on words you should vote and comment on some of my poems

  • 17 years ago

    by chiildhoodMEMOiiRS x


    Love this poem,
    You’re very gifted

    Kim Ke, _______<&*]]