Silent Cries of the Purest Heart

by HOLLYWOODxBANGBANG   Oct 15, 2007

Sobriety never was an act she played well and these
Implications of the golden years are getting just a
Little old. Her act is overrated and she`s lost what
Elegancy she may have had when fake smiles were
Never a question. She boasted them so well, lying
To the rest of the world when she flashed a mediocre

Ceramic smile, holding her head up high. She was in the
Right state of mind, or so she led everyone to believe, but
Intoxication always did have a middle name, and in
Every sad story about a teenage girl there is
Some little joke -- a hint toward the simplicity of

Oppression in a life so full of angst and bewilderment.
From what has been said on this case before, in all of

The sincerity that the witnesses
Have been able to muster up, it seems that words just
Echo through the stubborn minds of youth these days.

Purity never was a hard thing to find, but in a
Uniform competition to be the most rebellious, it`s
Rare to find a girl that isn`t hung up on being
Eminent among everyone else that
Steps an inch toward her. It`s ironic, how a
Trend of being the smartest and

Healthiest has quickly shattered into not
Eating at all and a room so pure is filled with the
Aroma of alcohol and weed. Or maybe it`s how these words will be
Regurgitated with all the rest that they ignore, swallowing
The silent cries of the purest hearts.

-Jenna Elphick
October 14, 2007


Acrostic Poetry is where the first letter of each line spells a word, usually using the same words as in the title.


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  • 16 years ago

    by dollwithafrown

    Wow, this was utterly amazing. The way this was written, the words and form and such, reminded me so much of one of my friends. It just sounded like her, the way she writes. And I'm a huge fan of her, which means I'm a huge fan of this.

    Seriously amazing. :]

  • 16 years ago

    by Woe

    Usually people use acrostic as an excuse for a sorry poem but this is very good. it was still a great write, like you didn't even try to make the letters that way. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Bryan

    Tis a very good acrostic babe, better than mine, lol, love the story line, i give it a 5/5!!! keep them coming!!!