A New Day Will Come

by Beverlyn   Oct 15, 2007

Wondering through the garden,
I saw a flower, alone,
it's petals are falling down,
it's leaves are turning brown.

Cold season is approaching
but as early as now,
its turning into ice
turning into a stone.

But the soil suddenly speak out,
"Let Mr. Moon passed by
because after the long cold night
New day with a smiling sun
will soon come."


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  • 17 years ago

    by Nowhere Man

    That was awesome beverlyn... You see? Even in small things like flowers, there's always hope... Other than that, I can sense you got something special in you... so keep writing more stuffs like this... I'm lovin' it. FrM YOUR KUYA 5/5-)

  • 17 years ago

    by Spoken Silence

    I like this poem, I loved the description of the flower and the flow of the poem. Good Write.

    -Spoken Silence