A Day in the Life of Andrew O' donogue

by Angela   Oct 15, 2007

Hahaha this poem was inspired by this guy in my class.. he seriously is this dumb.. cute.. but dumb. This poem is based on true events...


Here's a funny story
about something I did,
you'll laugh your head off
if you can picture it


Chomp chomp chomp
just sitting here in class,
Chomp chomp chomp,
waiting for the time to pass.

Chew chew chew
I've got better things to do,
chew chew chew
i wish the teacher only knew.

Blah blah blah
the teacher just goes on and on
Blah blah blah
hey, the writing on my desk is gone.

La la la
the new girl's really pretty,
La la la
when I'm around her i get giddy.

Chew chew chew
there's an ant crawling on the floor,
Chew chew chew
I wonder if it's legs get sore.

Drop went my gum
from my mouth to the paper,
I didn't even notice
until two minutes later.


it's kind of a "you had to be there" thing, but if you saw it you'd know how funny it was.. like he was sitting there chewing his gum with his mouth open.. and for some reason i was watching him at this moment, and then like out of no where it fell out of his mouth. hahaha and he didn't even notice, then like he looked down a little while later, and had like an " o " expression on his face, picked it up, and put it back in his mouth!!


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Sumit Ojha

    Good Job...

  • 17 years ago

    by twilightfan

    Lol that was funny!!!!! i think he was stupid(no offence) keep it up

  • 17 years ago

    by Wallace

    Interesting, I liked the repetitive style, very creative although I saw a mistake in this line;

    'there's ant ant crawling on the floor'

    It should be there's an ant crawling on the floor. Anyway, good job. keep it up.

  • 17 years ago

    by country girl

    Thats sooooooo funny

  • 17 years ago

    by Lucifer

    Hmmm, i can relate to that. good job