Behind Closed Minds (free Verse)

by Ashleigh Skye   Oct 15, 2007

So many people walking around,
But not.
Viewing the world around them
But not really seeing it.
Wandering endlessly and numbly,
Through a world of passion and beauty.
They stay,
Blindfolded by their failures,
And colour blind to all the glory around them.
The passionate reds and calming blues
Look bleak and unwelcoming,
While the mournful grays
And cold-heartening blacks
Look even bleaker and darker than before.
They become transfixed,
On the failures and shortcomings
Of themselves and society.
And are no longer able to see,
The simple beauty of a child's smile,
Or the single flower thriving in the garden.
They are engrossed with the way things were,
And are only able to see the thorns,
On the rose as it sprouts.
They have locked themselves away
During a time
When a different frame of mind
Is the key
The only way to save ourselves.
And yet they shut themselves up,
And look at the darkness approaching,
While every one of their actions,
Calls it forth.
And while their eyes are glued on the gray
They miss the little leprechaun
Calling for back up
To help get his rainbow off the ground.
These are the walking-numb,
Oblivious to the sun's glowing rays,
Hyper-conscious of the shadows,
That lurk 'round the corners.
And in this world of today
These people are the majority.
And when majority rules,
What does that say for the rest of us?
So I'll stand by my leprechaun,
With a key in my hand,
And with this key,
I will change things.
I will open their eyes,
And dust the cobwebs from their hearts.
And once I'm done,
Will be dancing around their own pot of gold.

*free verse: Free Verse is an irregular form of poetry in which the content free of traditional rules of versification*



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  • 17 years ago

    by Patience

    Not only is this a poem about life, it is also inspirational. The importance of this message is so strong, yet, I think we all are a little guilty of forgetting to stop and smell the flowers at times. As a reader, it kept me drawn in from beginning to end and also kept my mind thinking about the message after. Beautifully written!

  • 17 years ago

    by Empty Space

    I like to read free verse poems because it allows the author to just pour out emotions and not having to maintain the basics, four lines, space, four lines, space, if you know what I mean. Free verse are the true nature of poems in my opinion because it makes it all about the emotions and that's important. this poem illustrates this, it's wonderful!:)

  • 17 years ago

    by Fan Angeleo

    So real and the Leprechaun adds a nice touch. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by NyellMoonlight

    Wow, wow...
    I am honestly impressed with this piece, completely speechless.
    First, the topic that you wrote about is excellent and important and I can't agree more with the message that you greatly pointed out here.
    This is truly superb free-verse, with flawless flow and great choice of words.
    I liked the ending, because it is so positive and I found so much hope in it. It truly made me smile and feel better.
    I have to say that you should be proud on this piece.
    This is my favorite poem from you by now, and I'm adding it to my favorite poems list.
    You kept my attention from the beginning to the end and I wasn't disappointed by any part of this amazing piece.
    My favorite lines are;

    -And while their eyes are glued on the gray
    They miss the little leprechaun
    Calling for back up
    To help get his rainbow off the ground.
    These are the walking-numb,
    Oblivious to the sun's glowing rays,
    Hyper-conscious of the shadows,
    That lurk 'round the corners. -
    Greatly worded, with so vivid imagery.
    Keep writing!
    5/5 from me

  • 17 years ago

    by Nic

    I love this poem keep up the great work