Girl In Pink.

by xoxkatrinaxox   Oct 16, 2007

The girl in pink walks by
and the world drops to their knees.

The girl in pink dosent need a guy to
get by through her life.

She only needs those who shed tears
over worry.

But as the girl in pink walks by
she is holding hands with
a guy she dosent need..

Walking through those who care..
she is wearing black.

** my best friend used 2 love pink.
didnt need a guy. but recently
she thought she needed one..
and when she got her new boyfriend..
she stopped wearing pink and being that
girl i love so much..
she dosent pay as much attenton to me
as she used to.. but her life is about them.
she scares me so much...but only because she
says she hates pink!


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  • 17 years ago

    by Niinaa

    This is a great poem 5/5

  • Wow... that is amazing.... speechless.... very sad and I hope that your friend comes back around... to see what she has lost for some guy...

  • 17 years ago

    by LoveKeepsMeStrong

    This is great.
    sad but great. i can relate to this poem and how you must feel. but ye i really like the poem

  • 17 years ago

    by Maddyxxx

    5/5 because it was a different type of poem,I do hope that your friend smartns up tho. :) best of luck

  • 17 years ago

    by YoursTruly

    This is really good, yeah made sense when I read the footnote =]
    Agree with them two ^^ lol
    And thanks for the comments, I really appreciate it, sorry I took so long getting back to you