Letting Go

by SADADDY   Oct 16, 2007

We brought you into our home when you were only six.
We tried to raise you to be a proper young lady.
You fought us on everything from the beginning.
The more we tried the more you rebelled.
You have made many bad choices.
That did not sit well with our way of life.
You say you have the right.
To do whatever you wish with your life.
We have no right to say anything different.
The more we disagreed with what you wanted.
The more you choose to make more mistakes.
You say you have no regrets.
For what you have said or done.
For it is your life to live.
You no longer want us in it.
This is the choice you have made.
In order to do what you want.
Which we already know will not last forever.
You are so welling to burn your bridges.
In order to be with the one you say you love.
So be it that is what you want.
Then that will be the life you will have.
It is time to let go.
I can no longer worry about.
What you are going to do next.
Or what is going to happen in your life.
By the choices you make.
I have to do this for my own health.
Because all of the hurt, the pain, the worrying and the sleepless nights.
Of the not knowing where you are or how you are doing.
It is time to say goodbye.
I wish you luck in whatever life may bring.
I must let go for my own sanity and the family I have left.
I say this with a sadden heart but it must be done.
The love I have for you will never fade away.


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  • 15 years ago

    by ToxicSpookyAngel

    Wow that must be hard to deal with i hope she reads this and everything changes for the better for you and your family.

  • 16 years ago

    by Katie

    Aww! This is so sad. It really touched me. Good job!

  • 16 years ago

    by Ingrid

    How very sad....
    This must be so hard on a mother, even when the child was not yours from the birth on.
    But I do agree with you, at one point you have to choose for your own happiness and peace of mind.

    All the best and take care,

    5/5 Ingrid

  • 16 years ago

    by Crystal Rose Blooming

    What a touching poem of hurt and pain. I do hope your heart has healed, but I know it will never forget.
    very well done

  • 16 years ago

    by Carrotgirl

    Just about sums up life, we set sail hoping everything will end up smiles. Storms rocks and the current takes us to lands we never intend to visit. Just be thankful the ship stays afloat. Maybe its time to accept and make good of what we have.