Its so hard to believe

by perfectlyBROKEN   Oct 16, 2007

Looking back on our memories
Looking back on our ways
Looking out the window
Looking back on our days

I spot the tree that we climbed
I spot the lawn we rolled on
I spot the park we played
I spot the road we walked along

I remember the smiles we gave
I remember the laughs we shared
I remember the gossip we talked about
I remember we were always there

In the past i was doing those things
I was with you, my best friend
In the Future we promised we would do more
And we promised it until the end

But now we are in the present
And soon our friendship will die
Its so hard to believe that this has happened
So i guess we smile, and say goodbye

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  • 17 years ago

    by ForeverMine90

    AW i really liked it...I know what your going though.

  • I really like this poem reminds me of my friend wel keep up d good work u are very good