My Love

by Georgi   Oct 16, 2007

My love, does your heart forget
The promise that in stone was set
To shelter love's incessant vows
With all that Venus would allow?

My love, do you remember this,
When love was night and night was bliss?
The changing sun, the moving heat;
Placed little wings upon our feet.

My love, to be in where you are
Leaves just one single shooting star,
And here my eyes must search a while,
To find one single glance or smile.

Your heart; a vacuum of desire,
Which from afar I must admire.
I pray for liquid crimson red,
To find me in my sleeping bed
And pour itself into my soul
To put back all the life you stole.


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  • 16 years ago

    by NuovoVesuvio


    I've been on this site for a long while before this account and you were always one of my favourite poets. But it's amazing to see how far your poems have progressed. Boy is this good!

    I love the iambic tetrameter. It's almost a Shakespearen sonnet (minus the extra two syllables on each line, but that is trivial), but you gave it an extra two lines at the end. This actually makes the final, desolate meaning a lot more powerful. Well done.

    Some of the lines are actually really beautiful, and that's hard to do in such poems without being clichéd; 'when love was night and night was bliss'. Simple but lovely.

    Good shizzle.

  • 17 years ago

    by TwistedAngel xx

    LOVE IT!