If I was given the choice to live on this world,
In this town,
Holding you close,
Never leaving your side,
I would hold you close,
Never let go,
Just asking you if you were ok,
When you looked sad,
I would be in that place my whole life,
Just being by your side, I would be happy then.
If I could I would hold you close and protect you,
If I could I would stay with you,
Never letting you fall,
If I could I would always be there for you,
Holding you close,
Keeping you happy,
Making shore you smiled.
Right now you mean the world to me,
I don't know if you know that,
But you will always,
And here,
Me close by,
Making shore you are safe.
Without you my world crumbles beneath my feat,
I would fall into a dark abyss,
Never knowing when I would stop falling,
Or if I ever would stop.
I care about you,
You mean the world to me,
If I was to loose you right now,
I don't know what would happen.
If anything would happen to you I would be your side,
Through the whole ordeal,
To make shore you would stay safe.
My boyfriend Morgan H. wrote this for me.
I liked this alot
It was cute
Heart warming to read.
He writes really good.
Wishes you two the best!!
Not that you need it but yah!!