Comments : Untameable Beast

  • 17 years ago

    by Empty Space

    Stunning! as a musician I could imagine this to a cool sort of cold-norwegian-industrial music. nothing heavy though. just a flowing bass and drum beat kinda thing. And that works cus of the way you wrote it, it's just out there, you know? hard to explain. I tried it once, just speaking the words, not in a rap way or anything, just speaking the words slowly to the music and it was awesome! you should write songs and stuff! I can see that you have that in you when I read your poems. It's just a matter of adapting it into lyrics, and that's hard to do when it's meant to be a poem, but it only shows that you write in a way that makes sense in whatever scenario you put your poems in. Just pure emotion. It makes perfect sense to me in a sort of distorted and wierd way.

  • 17 years ago

    by Ashleigh Skye

    Wow I think that we can all relate to jealous in some for or another and sometimes its stronger than it once was.. I for me thats exactally how it feels comming in waves and trying to stop it is sometimes impossible.