Completely Numb

by iloveyouandrew   Oct 19, 2007

Her life is Numb
She cant feel anything
She has no feeling
She has no heart left

She walks around her house
Completely numb
She gets yelled at for everything
But She just ignores It

She walks around the hall ways
Hundreds of kids crowding around her
She hears there voices
But She just ignores them

The only time She feels alive
Is when She makes herself feel pain
Pain the the only kind of feeling She has left

She cuts into her wrists
The blood trickling down her arm
She starts crying
But She still dont feel it
Crying Has become a part of who she is

He completely destroyed her
He broke her heart into a million little pieces
Her Family hates her
Yells at her for Everything
So why should so be alive?

She knows all she has to do
Is take one more Cut
and All the pain and suffering Will
Be gone
And She will be free

She takes the razor
Brings it to her wrists
and Loses control
She cuts and cuts
and Theres blood everywhere

She takes out her suicide note
and Lays it next to her
Not like anyone is going to miss her anyways

She lays down on the hard cold floor
and Feels everything going away
She smiles a bit
And Thinks

Wow this is what it feels like
To be free....


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Brittiny

    I can relate to what your poem is saying. i have had so pretty messed up relationships where i put myself in danger. so i really understand where your coming from. keep up the good work 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by IfYouWantMe

    Oh this is beautifully painful!! I love it!!

  • 17 years ago

    by xxSuicidalxx

    Wow! Great poem....its so sad....keep up the good work