
by Jini   Oct 22, 2007

Speeding quickly past.
Zooming, zipping fast.
Leaving memories that last
Happy, devastating, awkward.
Giving and taking away.
Deaths, births, paydays.
Ripping and falling apart.
Exploding, spiraling, drifting into darkness.
Saved by love from the heart.
Compassion, devotion to stay.
Ending a long time from now.
Funeral, tears, remembrance.
A life lived to the fullest.
Happiness, love, pathway to heaven.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Nicole

    I love this one it made my favs

  • 17 years ago

    by AJ

    I like your poems, they are alot like e.e. cummings, they have deeper meaning than whats on the surface

  • 17 years ago

    by Aces and Spaces

    Ohh Jini i love it!!
