The Pardoner's Tale

by Alyssa Friday   Oct 22, 2007

I am a pardoner, as well you know.
I save your souls- for a minimal fee.
I preach in my church of the deadly sins,
though they do not apply to me.
I have many women; my relics are fake,
and yet people pay for the bones I take.
Their money is mine, and well do I live
for the fraudulent advice I was christened to give.

And now my tale of deadly sins three:
drinking, gambling, and gluttony.
And three men have I to represent each,
and so to personify the tale I teach.
These three men of which I speak
sat in a tavern, jowl by cheek,
drinking of wine and telling tales
of riches and dead men while guzzling ales.
A bell extolled, a man was dead,
a small boy came to them and said,
"This man was your friend, of this I'm sure,
but somehow Death did he allure.
Death has slain near many men.
If he's not stopped, he'll kill again."

The three men there in bar decided,
that their lives would be divided
as it were to stop this Death,
and force him draw his final breath.
They vowed to love to each the other,
as if they came from equal mother;
they swore to vigil the other's backs
to guard against foe Death's attacks.

Upon their travels they met an old man,
whose skin hung low, and he began
to tell them Death was fine to wait;
he could not enter Heaven's gate.
"A tree," said he, "is where you'll find
this evil villain quite enshrined
in shadows deep- go search him now!-
he hides in shadow of silver bough."

At this tree so thick and bold,
they found a bushel of glittering gold.
They forgot of Death, instead found Greed.
To celebrate they wanted mead.

"He who draws the smallest straw
will back to town have to withdraw
to fetch us bread and sweetest wine
to celebrate this lucky find!"

"Yes, indeed, I quite agree.
For back to fetch will not be me!
The youngest now will have to run
to get us food while we have fun!"

He went to town and bought the wine,
and thought a thought-

"Oh how divine!
If this gold I had not to share...
I could take them unaware
by putting poison into their drink,
and when the powder begins to sink,
they soon will die! And then be mine
all the gold that I can find!"

He bought a poison and tainted liquor;
he was quick, but they were quicker.
While he were gone the two conspired
to stab the friend they'd once admired.
When he was dead, they split the gold,
then drank the wine, as I foretold.
They both were killed in grasp of Greed.
Death took three souls, and done was his deed.

And so my tale as now is finished.
I hope my sermon has not diminished
your thoughts of me, and what I hold dear....
although right now it do appear
your souls need saving....I have many charms,
true relics that save from evils harms.
Buy now! Buy now! Before next tale.
My time is done....I need more ale.


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  • 4 years ago


    The poem was great it gives students lots of idea and this can be serve as basis for some to make their assignments and project easier. Thank you so much this was a huge help.