The Hypnotist

by xPerfect Chaosx   Oct 23, 2007

Audience filled with dark blurs
You walk onto the dim stage light
You hold your breath, unsure
The Hypnotist walks onto the stage,
Dressed in a long flowing black gown
Hair pulled tight, just her pale face entrances you

She silently sits you down into a cold metal chair
You stare at her as she walks across the stage
Still nothing has been said,
The mood and lighting low, the scene set before you eerie

She turns sharply to look at you
Your eyes meet hers and your head spins
She hums you a tune, a soft melody
You fall faster and faster, unable to stop

Swirling colors surround you as you fall faster and faster
Your body goes limp and your eyes closed,
You've entered the unknown depths of your mind

Faster and faster your falling, unable to stop
Your screams are loud and clear inside your head
Yet your watching yourself fall

As your descent slows, you find yourself standing in complete darkness
A voice is in your head, telling you to do things
Things unheard of, things undone

Why? You question the voice
Because, I am you, listen to yourself
You find yourself unable to resist,
Doing things you never dreamt possible

Dancing with the devil, your waltz is slow
Dancing with an angel, your step quickens with your heart
Dancing with yourself, your tango is frightening

Look into the face of yourself, your voice screams
Do you like what you've become?
As you watch your face, it becomes twisted and distorted
The devil and yourself one in the same

And out of nowhere, a resounding snap
Plays its way into your silence
Your eyes snap open and are blinded by the dim stage light

Hands and knees upon the ground, bowing to the Hypnotist
Her laughter resounds throughout, echoed hollowly by audience
Your cheeks burn with shame, unaware of where you have been

As the audience moves to leave,
The Hypnotist moves away from you
You call upon her to wait, but she appears not to hear you
You reach out to her, and she turns, mutiny in her face

Her fingers raise and come together, as if in slow motion
One snap and she has you falling once more
Into the pit of the Hypnotist

Well this was thought up last night. I don't know if it makes any sense, or if it's any good, but I hope you enjoy it. Please r/r/c


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  • 17 years ago

    by Armada the Gestalt

    Wow. o.o At the beginning, you somehow manage to create emotion through describing what is there rather than imagery. I especially like this verse

    Dancing with the devil, your waltz is slow
    Dancing with an angel, your step quickens with your heart
    Dancing with yourself, your tango is frightening

  • 17 years ago

    by Ike Dizzle

    Nice poem you are a great dark writer. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Pete

    Well as I've almost come to expect from you now, its typealicious (I made that a word)

    Its a beautifully dark poem.
    Such vibrant imagery used throughout .. you truly have a beautifully twisted mind Danielle.

    Although I normally prefer poems with a rhyme structure, this does work well without one. Simply because it's so descriptive - almost like a short story.

    Very nice work, and I'm sure I will be checking up on your other poems ... Wait .. not that I'm stalking you or anything .. it's just for the poetry .. Stop typing...

    Good work.


  • 17 years ago

    by Someones Sanity

    That made sense to me, it was really good. I could totally picture that. That would be a really cool part in a story. ^_^ <33