Comments : The Hypnotist

  • 17 years ago

    by Someones Sanity

    That made sense to me, it was really good. I could totally picture that. That would be a really cool part in a story. ^_^ <33

  • 17 years ago

    by Pete

    Well as I've almost come to expect from you now, its typealicious (I made that a word)

    Its a beautifully dark poem.
    Such vibrant imagery used throughout .. you truly have a beautifully twisted mind Danielle.

    Although I normally prefer poems with a rhyme structure, this does work well without one. Simply because it's so descriptive - almost like a short story.

    Very nice work, and I'm sure I will be checking up on your other poems ... Wait .. not that I'm stalking you or anything .. it's just for the poetry .. Stop typing...

    Good work.


  • 17 years ago

    by Ike Dizzle

    Nice poem you are a great dark writer. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Armada the Gestalt

    Wow. o.o At the beginning, you somehow manage to create emotion through describing what is there rather than imagery. I especially like this verse

    Dancing with the devil, your waltz is slow
    Dancing with an angel, your step quickens with your heart
    Dancing with yourself, your tango is frightening