Comments : Between These Pages

  • 17 years ago

    by Empty Space

    A wicked read!

  • 17 years ago

    by the simple girl

    Ohh love it. Absolutely love it.

    "Closing the book, I stare at the cover.
    As a smile forms on my lips.
    Placing the book aside, I walk out the room.
    And face the present."

    Loved that stanza overall... It goes along well with my beliefs... to not live in the past... Keep up the great work, I love reading your poetry.


  • 17 years ago

    by Screenager

    Thanks for reading my poem:)

    I agree with the simple girl. that stanza is so well written.

  • 16 years ago

    by just a poet

    Wow. brill poem. i absolutly loved it. especially the last stanza. overcoming the poast and facing the present. btw did the book represent a diary or someting? anyway beautiful read as usual. loved it. keep up the good work and take care. 5/5