What do you do?

by Kayla   Oct 24, 2007

What if the one you love dozen’t love you back?
What do you do?
How do you live after this horrible mistake?
Do you wait for him to realize what a fool he is?
Or do you go after him?
Do you tell him how you feel or just sit and have no appeal?
Do lie in bed and stay for the rest of your life?
Or do you lay and die inside your head?
Do you try to find anther or just stare at what was your lover?


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  • 17 years ago

    by Fabz

    If hes not runnin after u babes, I think u need to move on! nice poem tho 4.5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Lemon Square Bear23

    Well my advise if u love him ull wait, thats a decsion only u can make, either way youll quetion it to see if u have made the right decsion. I always stronly belive that ur poetry is written whats on ur heart and who cares if its done in 5 minutes or if it takes you 5 days. kepp writting i think u have it in you!!! 5.5 ALWAYS

  • 17 years ago

    by Roxiee An

    Check the word doesnt in first line

    its odd due to ??
    always make a final chack after submission

    I will suggest you to move on
    its not a big deal to keep staying
    The poem doesnt show to me
    idk why but its just made in a few minutes
    you must have spent time with the poem

    I can bet its made very quickly
    isnt it??

    3/5 for the poem
    Improve my dear

    No offence but dont just write poetry feel it

    If the way you write your poem isnt right then it wont mater what feelings you expressing how intense they may be

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