No one changes

by Miss understood   Oct 24, 2007

I went through childhood .. thinking one day ill be grown up just like my mum .. i thought i would suddenly be able to know what to do .. how to act and how to work .. but now i realise .. you stay the same .. its just the way you handle them that changes ..


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  • 16 years ago

    by tigerdan

    Things may or may not change, but our perspective does. :)

  • I really like the message this poem conveyed, but i think it will flow a little better if it has a little more structure. instead of just being all together. break it down.

    We all think the same at some point. and it's true nothing changes. Everything just falls into place. likt it's supposed to. and when it fall in place it doesn't quite go as we want's just life... so sad huh?

    Anyway great poem!!! 5/5 XP
