Revolving Doors

by MischieviousMya   Oct 25, 2007

Revolving Doors.
That never stop turning.
At such pace.
Desires burning.
Still spinning.
Faster than ever.
Can't hold on.
Feelings last forever.
Losing balance.
Train of thought.
Spinning quickly.
Emotions I fought.
Now, distraught.
Fighting for more.
For what is now lost.
My revolving doors.


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  • 16 years ago

    by lisabrighteyes

    Wow i really like this!

  • 17 years ago

    by BrokenREALiTy

    Okay, Myuh darling, I love it. It's austere and I just adore the concept -- "revolving doors." Such a brilliant metaphor for life and the way things go. Your use of "spinning" twice , I feel really gives emphasis on how life goes. For an odd reason, these lines stuck out at me:

    Spinning quickly.
    Emotions I fought.
    Now, distraught.
    `We fight love; we fight friends; we fight society and we fight ourselves -- but either way, we end up distressed sometime .

    I just think it's nicely written.
    Btw; I miss you, dearr' . We never talk anymore.


  • 17 years ago

    by PoeticJustice

    Wow, thats really good. i like it alot.
    good write!

  • 17 years ago

    by Hermosa

    All i can say is wow! 5/5