When A Boy becomes a Man

by Vanessa   Oct 25, 2007

Mommy and Daddy are fighting again
Their little boy, slowly dying within
Mommy cries, Daddy just screams
Together shattering a six year olds dreams

Teary blue eyes shut so tight
Small fists, knuckles gripped white
Anger set deep into a tiny heart
Hate was ripping his world apart

At school he'd stare blankly into space
A sullen expression on his face
Unable to concentrate, he started to fail
Daddy hit Mommy, he promised not to tell

At lunch he sat alone but didn't eat
He fidgeted nervously in his seat
Looking down as he walked the hall
When he got home he couldn't talk at all

He took his bath and he went to bed
Unable to get their fighting out of his head
Right on cue his Daddy came in
Him and Mommy where fighting again

Mommy cried, when Daddy knocked her to the floor
The boy screamed "don't do this anymore"
As he ran down the stairs tears in his eyes
A gun in his hand to his daddy surprise

Carefully the little boy takes aim
Struggling to end his mommy's pain
Squeezing the trigger gun at his Daddy's head
The man of the house because Daddy is dead


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by CY GINDLE


  • 17 years ago

    by xxSuicidalxx

    Wow....amazing poem! I loved the twist at the end....it took me by suprise! Very dark and well written....i could feel the sadness the little boy felt....amazing write....keep up the awesome work!!!!!! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by VYXSIN

    totally love this poem, so dark and chilling! its amazing and im so jelous!! the end was wicked, to two last lines. beautifull ending!


  • 17 years ago

    by Blissful


    This was such an amazing piece. It truly left me with chills. I could just imagine the pain and saddness the little boy must have endured to see that on a daily basis. And the ending was just perfect, truly blew me away.

    Well done *5/5*