God Is Life

by Batman   Oct 26, 2007

It's times like these that I wonder what I miss most,
About friendship.
But if I were to spend my days missing what has already been lost,
Then I might ass well live life in the past,
And hope the future will always be there.
But life is about journeys ahead.
Learning from mistakes seen and made.
Jumping the hurdles that come your way.
Life is about the road that lies ahead.
Not the dirt path you once walked on and overcame.
Rejoice unto the lord.
For he sing the song on your heart.
You can forget the words.
But you'll never forgetthe melody.
God is life.


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  • 14 years ago

    by mane


  • 17 years ago

    by -Lestat-

    Hey I havent been on here in so long and I dont know if you still are but my msn is eternal-s-gath@hotmail.com
    Thts my hotail aswell so message me and we will get in contact. If you have myspace mine is www.myspace.com/sinners_sanctum

  • 17 years ago

    by YourThe ReasonIDiedTonight

    I loved that because all of it was so true and inspiring. beautiful job!!


  • 17 years ago

    by Iola

    Hi B - this is beautiful ...
    Love the emotion in this!

    Iola xx