
by Sweet Disposition   Oct 26, 2007

** Sorry this is a bit rusty but I haven't written in a while.

He sat at the desk in the corner
Isolated and alone
The other students tortured him
But his pain was never known

After months of daily beatings,
His hair; it all fell out
But these bullies didn't realise
What this sign was all about

Little Billy was soon forgotten
When he stopped attending school,
The bullies felt so proud of themselves
For ridding of this 'fool'

It wasn't until assembly,
One frosty morning in May,
That the students found out Billy
Had died of cancer early that day

A rush of guilt ran through them
As they thought back, on what they'd done
They'd wanted little Billy dead,
The battle they had won

They remembered little Billy
Isolated and alone
They admired him for his courage
Not letting his pain ever be known.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Kittens Poems

    Excellent, you are a very good poet.. Good job.. very meaningful

  • 15 years ago

    by Bradley Peter

    I can see why this piece has such a high rating. It’s well deserved, and I’m more than happy to continue its running success. It was a very powerful and humbling piece. Not only by its content, but by its flawless flow and effortless rhymes. This is another great piece I shall add to ‘my favourites’.


    P.S. I re-read my poem ‘Have you ever tried to help someone?’ and you’re right, the middle stanza is the weakest, but as I always say, the start and end have to be the strongest points, and it seems I follow my own advice at least, lol.

  • 17 years ago

    by Melissa

    Wow so sad your a really good writer

  • 17 years ago

    by Roxy

    Firstly thanks for the comment on my poem ^^ This is a really poewerfull poem and it DOES get the point across really well ^^ you shouldn't pick on people to make you feel bigger just because your unsecure...It isnt fair! I'm adding you to my favorite's list ^^ love you loads xxx Mwah from Roxy

  • 17 years ago

    by Windsong

    WOW ! one of the best poems on here. I love it alot . Funny though something happen to this guy i know . It's sad how people can be so crapy to one person they don't even know . well , ya any who ..
    Good work/poem .
    And 5/5