You Left me

by truelyonee   Oct 26, 2007

You left me
but I'll be ok
But I know you'll come back someday

Even though
I know
You left me
For something new

I'm confused
Tired of standing in the rain
Crying, crying
All in vain

Do you see the teardrops
running down my face
It's for you, my present for you
For going away, going away

You've gone away
Far away
To a place where I can't reach you

I hope you'll be happy
Living where you are
And everytime I look in the sky
I think of you, and I count the stars

Goodbye my friend
I'll miss you
Even though I never said

With all the memories we've shared
and all the pain we've overcome
In my heart I know
That you're the only one

I'll think of you often
Every single day
I'll write to you, make time for you
But for now, time delays...


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  • 17 years ago

    by kasia nicole

    This is a really good poem and some times you juat have to find some one new even togh its really hard ot and you dont want to because you loved them so much but some times in the long run its good to.
    =) kasia