Angel Dust

by dollwithafrown   Oct 28, 2007

I remember that dream, like I dreamt it last night,
And I can only hope that it can be repeated tonight.
For a little girl in a world that she longed to escape,
It was a window to a land that was happiness-shaped.

In this world the sky was a gorgeous light blue:
Everything that was spoken was beautiful and true.
The faces on the people, were turned up into a grin,
The smiles were not a mask; they came from within.

The angel tucked me into bed, and kissed me on the cheek:
"Goodnight, my dear, don't be afraid, I'll visit you next week.
Embrace the unreal, remembering all is not as it seems,
The best in all our worlds today is delivered to us in dreams."


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  • This is very true. Everything you ever want comes to you in dreams. I love the feeling that I got with this poem. It's very lovely. Great poem. 5/5

    <mOnStRiTo'S pRiNcEsS>

  • 17 years ago

    by FridusBlueheaven

    You put a great emotion and rhymes to this one. What can I say???? 5/5 definitely!!!

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