I'm Sorry

by Raine   Oct 28, 2007

Eyes puffy
Face stained
Heart hurts
Soul drained
Long hours
Endless night
Unbelievable words
Decieving lies
I tried to do it but I couldn't
Not sure what to say
So casually pushed to the side
Knowing I shouldn't
So many chances but none taken
Futures on hold
Feelings crushed
I'm sorry I didn't let you know
Forgive me for the tales I've told
Fantasies that were filled with noting but false facts
What are you to do now?
Leave and end this beautiful story we just began
Or close this chapter and start on a new
With what you choose ill understand
Just know the feeling I have for you are true
No more I can say nothing left for me to do


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  • 16 years ago

    by MyMuse

    I loved this very much, like i really dont know how to des it, it was just so pure by the touch. another amazing poem, very great and amazing :D




  • 17 years ago

    by unblue skye

    Gosh..idk now wut to say, it was good... the words flowed together nicely, and idk gosh, it wuz great!! haha i rly dun no how 2 say it hah 5/5, very well written!!
