by DC   Oct 30, 2007

Lying on my back concentrating on my breathing
my eyes closed still forcing myself to breathe
in a calm regular pattern.
to see you undress in front of me.
i feel like screaming and begging for you.
i feel like pouncing on your pale skin.
then you lie with me and
the mattress sunk in and wrapped around our bodies.
my hand gripping it tight for strength.
without warning my hand was moved and in yours.
couldn't breathe.the pattern was stopping.
irregular breathe two one five.
heart beginning to rocket against my ribs.
your hand moves down my stomach and touches me
touches me in a way that would craze my mind.
i love you..he whispers.
i could hardly hear his whisper.
BTU i could feel his breath.
the way his hand was massaging
made me want to scream with pleasure but guilt.
he kissed my lips then i couldn't trace his fingers anymore
everything was blank and all i could feel was pleasure
a pleasure that would run through my mind.memories
his soft lips moving with mine
his eyes so warm and inviting
this time i was lost, lost my own fantasy world
it couldn't be wasn't real
i felt his body join with mine.
we became one.
he said he'd never hurt me
at least from what i thought i heard
his breath was hot and made my insides melt.
he kiss me.this was more urgent.
and all it did was make me want to move in more
i pulled him closer to me
wrapping my arms around him
kissing him as desperately as he was kissing me
i didn't think we could love enough.
long enough or either deep enough.
the world outside never would hurt us again.
he keeps on whispering but i couldn't hear him
the sound of blood rushing to my ears
his hands were everywhere now
my waist, my thighs.
and every stroke.every caress
stole away my breath and soothed my skin
he sat pulling him with me
and again that feeling...we became one
one of love.
one of lust.
one of guilt.
just i just let the feeling go
and soon enough i was with my fantasy.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Stephanie

    Dang, this is like a porn poem and i mean that in a very good way.
    i loved this poem.
    its very excitement making.
    good job

  • 17 years ago

    by applecheeks

    All i can say is WOW