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by smit Oct 30, 2007 category : Friendship, family / broken friendship
Why, why do we even talk? We don't even say a word when we walk Why, why are we even friends? When we keep hurting each other in the endPeople keep asking if we are intertwined Because we hangout all the time But we are just two selfish, desperate people Who use each other to get through this hellFar from being together We are a curse on each other It's not your fault or mine alone We are just different to the boneWe can't always compromise We can't help but give advice And in the end it boils down to a silent war Till we each find our separate doorBut you won't ever agree That we are nothing but two fishes in a sea For you this is a true friendship For me it's nothing but an unfortunate trip
by christina
I really enjoyed it you have a natural talent