Fruit cake

by cameron   Nov 1, 2007

Clicks and clacks
dings and dongs
i bet ya hoping this poem don't go for long!

slips and slaps
jips and jops
after this you'll have the chicken pox!

clips and claps
flips and flops
you like this poem go back to the top!

smicks and smacks
blings and blongs
try make these words in to a song!

cups and cops
shups and shops
i bet by now your shaking non-stop!

splicks and splocks
mocks and mucks
you may think this poem right now sucks!

crops and crups
slings and sloons
don't worry your self its over soon!

spolicks and spulicks
klingers and klungers
is it me or are these words getting longer!

clopies and clupies
chivers and chovers
don't worry now because its all OVER RED ROVER! clover sover nover yover fover tover dover quover wover hover .....


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Josie

    This reminds me of dr.zuss books like d cat in d hat n stuff like dat cz most of d words are made up lol (im nt sure how u spell his name)

  • 17 years ago

    by iiM JUST MEE

    Ii Liike iiT

  • 17 years ago

    by XxkorenCrowxX

    Retarded gay really needs work

  • 17 years ago

    by Chrissy0590

    That was great, classic, lol!!!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Julie

    I was upset...but that whole time i couldnt stop giggleing! Crazy stuff! :P

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