Did he notice her????

by hEaRt BrOkEn   Nov 1, 2007

Did he notice her?
She just walked right by him.
She's in love with him,
She's crazy about him.

These days
She always carries a pen and a paper
She writes many poems for him.
That girl that you just saw,
Use to be full of life,
But she lost all the hopes
Since the moment he told her
"There is no we"

Don't ask who he is
He's an arrogant beauty.
He doesn't respect her feelings,
Yet she cannot live without him.
He doesn't care about her poems,
Yet she writes them all about him.

He laugh at her love,
He makes fun of her,
For dedicating her life to him.
He laughs at her for fooling her self,
Yet she writes
Another poem for him.


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Latest Comments

  • 14 years ago

    by Siham

    Wow your words definitely hit hard.
    beautifully written 5/5

  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    Wow, I've had this before, falling for a loser I mean but there's nothing we can do. 5/5, Em

  • 15 years ago

    by junet

    I have the same situation like yours, but i never thought of doing a poem like this. everything you wrote here happened to me too.. gosh... yeah i like it :)

  • 17 years ago

    by xxrachxx

    Tht's really strong to have feeling wit someone who's an ass to you
    keep on writing nd mayb one day show him nd he might actually like the work

  • 17 years ago

    by Becca

    Clever. Really clever. I can somewhat relate.

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